This page contains vital resources to help you in your journey to a better life. It has links to websites, recommendations on books, and other programs that you can do at home and with others in your community. We recommend you use these as tools to help YOU build a better, stronger relationship with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. All three are essential. As you will see by clicking on some of these links and searching their sites, there is a lot to learn. Don’t let it scare you. Baby steps, folks, baby steps. Pick and choose which ones appeal to and interest you. You will not agree with everything on these websites, but you can use parts of each of them to build a better YOU.
Best Roman Catholic Website: Be sure to check out this website, or, if you get EWTN on your television, please check it out. There are so many fantastic things on EWTN, including Mother Angelica classics, the daily mass, the Rosary and great programs. If you haven’t been exposed to the mysteries and traditions of Catholicism, or, if you walked away from the faith, please give it a try. It is not what you have been told by other faith leaders and pastors.

Lutheran Church: There are many facets to the Lutheran Church. The two biggest in America are the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America ( and the LCMS, or Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod ( ). Both offer many ways to affirm and seek a greater faith in Jesus Christ.
Messianic Church: Check it out ( ). God’s chosen people who recognize Jesus as their Messiah; it doesn’t get any better than that. Here is where you can learn about observing the very important Feast Days.
Reformed Church of America: We recommend Bobby Schuller ( ). Yes, the Hour of Power lives on with Robert’s grandson, Bobby. Unlike his grandfather, Bobby knows and preaches about Jesus. We share a common mentor with Bobby – his name is Bill Gaultiere, ( ). Bill’s podcasts and weekly devotionals offer a lot. I will tell you, many of them are pretty deep, like the works of his early mentor, Dallas Willard. Dallas is especially difficult to follow sometimes. We do recommend the book, “life without lack, Living in the Fullness of Psalm 23.” It is available almost anywhere. Dallas’ book takes Psalm 23 to a level most of us wouldn’t ever begin to comprehend on our own..
Baptist Website: The Baptist Church, with its desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus and its full immersion baptisms, is extremely popular among evangelicals. Check it out here:
Other Resources:
David’s recommendation for small men’s groups is called, “The Journey.” I guarantee you will get closer to Jesus and the men in your group if you follow through with this program. A small group ministry with 6-8 men. If you live in Southern CA, check out Pete McKenzie’s weekly talks to men.
DivorceCare is a great way to handle the struggles of divorce in a Christ-centered small group program.
GriefShare is from the same folks that bring us DivorceCare. It, too, is a Christ-centered, small group way to cope with the death and grieving of a loved one.
Wednesdays in the Word: A fantastic online Bible study; one you can work on alone, or in your own group at home.
We will be adding books and other great websites as time goes on. The above is a lot of information. It will take time to go through everything. We believe you should devote at least one hour a day to your walk with Christ, and more than that on your chosen, Sabbath Day (you should have one).