One God One Church is not affiliated with any religious institution.
We believe no single denomination fits the model of what we want to accomplish. We, therefore, consider ourselves to be cross denominational; a term you will start seeing more and more of. We want to reach those of you who believe there are things to be valued from nearly every Christian denomination.
Our names are Karen and David. We come from different faith backgrounds but found common ground by viewing and attending various churches. We watch and listen to and read materials from different denominations and let God speak to our hearts. As you know, God searches the heart. He’s not looking to add all kinds of rules to obey before you can be a church member in good standing, take communion, etc. We believe if your heart is in the right place and you are doing it for the right reasons, God sees that.
Even though ONE GOD ONE CHURCH focusses on the ancient tradition of a Catholic mass format, we are different from every other “church” because we are cross denominational; a combination of several, not one denomination. You may ask, “who do you wish to bring together?” With over 30,000 denominations that call themselves Christian (YES, 30,000!!!), this is difficult to answer by name. Especially since there are so many subgroups of certain denominations. So, here is who we are looking to unite; those who stand on the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. They believe in the entire Bible, and realize the Old Testament is just as important as the New Testament. They believe in adhering to the 10 Commandments; they believe marriage is between one man and one woman; they believe there are two genders, “God created them male and female.” We also support the people of Israel (those who follow the God of Abraham & Isaac & Jacob), as they are God’s chosen people. We believe there is value in learning and observing the Jewish feast days.
We want to thank Pastor Dave Beckwith, (Standing Stone Ministries and author – a more detailed explanation of these, “seven ones,” will be available in Pastor Dave’s upcoming book) for pointing us toward, “the seven essentials of unity.” We believe we can achieve common ground by looking for those who believe in these seven essentials for unity.
“Being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit” is followed by seven ones, the basis for unity. “There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all” (Eph. 4:4-6 nasb). If we can agree on believing the seven essentials, why can’t we come together? We are poor examples of God’s love and service by stealing from each other in the name of correctness and money because we believe that is what it is about. Why else would you worry about what other traditions someone follows?
Check out our Resources Page, to find information that will help you on your journey to get to know our great, Trinitarian God (Father, Son and Spirit). It is a journey; not one prayer and I am done because God’s grace covers everything else. God expects us to serve Him with fear and reverence and to continually repent of and confess our sins, whether directly or indirectly.

Here is what we believe:
Through Jesus, we are saved. The path to redemption is through the church of Jesus Christ. We, the church, are His bride; He is the Bridegroom. There is no other way.
The Bible is the true word of God; it is inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Bible is the Eternal Word. It is Jesus’s words. It is the apostles’ words; it is the words of the prophets. Together they make up a fantastic and beautiful story. A story of faith, hope, grace, unconditional love, forgiveness, mercy and redemption.
Becoming a true follower of Jesus Christ is not easy. God gives us the grace and free will to make our own decision. Of course, the decision not to follow will lead to eternal death instead of eternal life. What makes some of us choose the Way and others not? That is part of the mystery of faith. It is confusing to us Christians at times. We cannot understand how someone can choose not to follow God and the Trinity. God Himself adds to the confusion. For instance, God tells us, “you didn’t choose me, I chose you.” Ponder that one for a while.
It is the Father that we pray to in Jesus’ name. It is the Father that forgives our sins. It is the Father that shows love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness. It is His Son, Jesus Christ, who came to earth in human form while remaining God (something we are not supposed to understand but believe by faith), to sacrifice Himself for our sins. Jesus also brought us grace, the ability to once again live a with-God life, that the kingdom of heaven is here and now, and of course, eternal salvation. The Holy Spirit, like at Pentecost, comes to reside in us when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior and start our journey toward a better, repentant, sin reduced life (we strive for perfection, but no one is sinless).
We do not worship the Virgin Mary but do believe she has a special place in heaven and deserves recognition for being the woman chosen of God to bear His Son and care for Him. We must not take lightly the powerful role Mary played in the salvation of mankind. We believe the Rosary is a powerful, God ordained prayer. The same goes with saints and angels. There is much written in the Bible about both.
We, love how Billy Graham started many sentences with, “the Bible says.” How true that is. The Bible is not a living, working book that changes with the times. It is truth, applied to all times.
We believe our bodies are God’s temple. The Holy Spirit resides in each of us when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Therefore, we hope you will check out Karen’s page on nutrition. It will contain Karen’s tips for things to help you keep your body and mind healthy for yourself, and for God.
We encourage you to click on the various tabs on this website to not only learn who we are and what we’re about, but to see our service that you can view in your home. We also have a Resources page that we will continue to add to over time. These resources will will help you grow tremendously in your spiritual life and walk in true Christian faith.
You will not find us on Facebook, or Twitter, or Instagram or any other social media network, other than You Tube, which is the only way to upload our sermons. We do not believe in rewarding those who wish to persecute Christians and all we stand for by using their websites. As a matter of fact, we would love it if we could start a movement where all Christians got rid of their Facebook and Twitter and Instagram pages. Those that run these social media networks have a lot of power and seem to be using it to silence or censor Christian values. It would be great if we could band together and only patronize those organizations, companies or products that share our values. We have a lot of power, but those companies that hate us know we are not banded together. Statistics show that the Christian values of family, good communication and togetherness are disintegrating from the onslaught of addictive, anti-social behaviors brought on by the social media apps. Remember family dinners and time together without cell phones or tablets, when families talked to one another?